Here is The Solution For What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

Here is The Solution For What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

While your porch is thriving on fresh and healthy FurrMeals Home Cooked Food for pets in Delhi, we would like them to stick to a healthy diet even in their mid-meal snacks. A healthy lifestyle that includes healthy food, ample exercise, and mental stimulation will make sure that your furbaby has a healthy, happy and long life.

Dogs love human food and what better way to offer them treats than a few pieces of their favorite fruit! Not just amazing in taste and texture, fruits offer so many benefits that it will be sinful not to include it in their diet.


  1. Apples: Apples are an excellent source of potassium, fiber, vitamin A and C, flavonoids and phytonutrients. In addition, apple slices also help clean the residue for your dog’s teeth and helps freshen their breath.
  1. Bananas: High in potassium and carbohydrates, bananas are great in restoring the energy of your furry after a strenuous hike and high-intensity training session. Loaded with vitamin B6, manganese, copper, potassium and biotins, banana offers a load of benefits to your furry.
  1. Watermelon: Everyone loves watermelons, including pooches. A health powerhouse loaded with vitamin and minerals, watermelons are low in calorie- another fruity treat that we recommend if your porch is on a FurrMeals Weight Management Plan.
  1. Pears: Abundant with Vitamin C and K, Copper and fiber, Pears are actually very good for your dog.

Fruits bring a load of benefits to dogs as they do for humans. A true gift from nature, fruits are a sweet, delicious and healthy addition to their diet. However, we should remember that canine are physiologically different from humans and the way they digest and assimilate food is different from us. So, care should be taken when feeding them fruits. 
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