10 Top Easy Things You Can Do Make Your Dog Happier

10 Top Easy Things You Can Do Make Your Dog Happier

Is your dog as happy and healthy as can be or is there more that you can do for him? Read our top 10 tips to know how to give your doggo a happy and healthy life.FurrMeals Home Cooked Pet Food

1. KEEP VACCINATION UP-TO-DATE: It’s not just puppies who need vaccination but even adult dogs need regular booster doses of vaccines to prevent them from many deadly diseases like distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis. Keep a record of all vaccinations done and the next due date to make sure that you have a healthy dog.

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2. NEUTER ON TIME: As soon as you get a puppy home, discuss and plan the neutering process with your vet, unless you plan to raise a litter. Neutering or spaying reduces the chances of many life-threatening diseases in both male and female dogs.

Infection and tumor in the mammary glands and uterus are some of the most common and deadly diseases that be avoided by neutering the female dogs at the right time. In male dogs, neutering reduces the risk of prostate cancer besides making the dogs less aggressive. When you take your puppy to the vet, don’t just ask about healthy dog food and healthy dog treats but also when it is the right age to neuter.

3.  WATCH THE WEIGHT: A chubby dog looks cute but it is not the ideal situation for their health. The extra layer of fat and weight not just puts additional pressure on the bones and joints but also has an adverse effect on their heart health. Dogs need a balanced and healthy dog food diet, freshwater, and regular exercise. FurrMeals Home Cooked Pet Food

The breed, age, gender, and activity level will decide the number of dog meals and calorific requirements of your dog. Keep them away from fatty table scraps and use healthy dog treats only for training and not as a food substitute. Check their weight regularly and talk to your vet about healthy dog food brands in case the weight looks off the chart.

4.  EXERCISE REGULARLY: Regular exercise, both physical and mental, is very critical to your dog’s happy and healthy life. The intensity and type of exercise will depend on the breed and age of your dog. Consult your vet to find out the type of exercises that are best suited for your pet.

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5.  REGULAR GROOMING: Grooming not just makes their fur soft and shiny but also improves the blood circulation and removes many harmful pathogens from their fur. Check their eyes and ears regularly and visit the vet in case you see any change in color, smell or discharge. Always use products specially crafted for canine grooming.

6. BRUSH THOSE PEARLY WHITES: Make tooth cleaning a part of their daily routine from the puppy stage itself. Gently massage the gums and teeth with a canine brush to remove the tartar and plaque. This is important to prevent many painful gum and teeth diseases that if ignored can be life-threatening.

7. DEWORM EVERY 6 MONTHS: Your dog licks and eats all kinds of things off the floor and even in the park. This habit will bring worms into their digestive system. Regular deworming will make sure that they are not harboring any such unwanted elements in their stomach that can cause a lot of discomfort, pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite in your dog- overall a very unhappy dog.

8. KEEP THEIR BEDDING CLEAN: make sure that you clean your dog’s bedding regularly. Dust and shake-off all hair and dirt from the bedding and wash all removable covers and dry in the sun. This will help keep the ticks and fleas away from their bedding.

9. KEEP THEIR FUR TICK-FREE: Ticks are blood-sucking pests that will make your dog very uncomfortable and irritable. Ticks also transmit many dangerous diseases and hamper the immune system of your dog. Make sure to check for ticks under the collar, between the toes, behind the ears and all such spots after their walk in the park. Sprays drop, and shampoos also help to remove ticks.

10. STICK TO A ROUTINE: Pets thrive best when you have a daily fixed routine and stick to it. They feel happy and content. Knowing your dog’s pattern will help you identify any change and irregularity in your dog behavior. If your dog does not seem hungry on his regular mealtime or does not want to go for his routine walk then it might be time to visit the vet.

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Our dogs give us unconditional love and depend on us for all their needs. It is your responsibility to make sure that they are at the happiest and healthiest best.

Right dog food plays the most critical part of their good health and their long, active life. Dog Food that is natural, fresh, preservatives free and specially crafted for their nutritional needs like
FurrMeals Home Cooked Pet Food is the best healthiest dog food.

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