7 Monsoon Care Tips For You Dog | furrmeals

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Just like us, pets also fall prey to the changing weather and monsoons can be extra tough for them.So here are some tips to make sure that your pet remains in the best of health this monsoon.

·     1. Ticks and fleas are the most common problems that pets face during monsoon, and 1 in 3 dogs will suffer from tick fever during the rainy season. Ticks thrive in temperatures above 35 degrees and humid conditions, and this weather is the perfect condition for that. Tick fever is a severe disease but can even cause organ damage in severe cases. Besides visual inspiration, regular anti-tick baths, you should also use Tick repellent sprays, tick collar, and other natural tick repellents. To keep your pet safe from ticks this monsoon.

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2. The rainy season is also the time for water-borne diseases, and other intestinal and stomach infections as your furry can drink the wrong kind of water. Don’t let them drink dirty rainwater and keep them as dry as possible. Also, do not make them eat grass as they may ingest germs.

3. Pets are also prone to cough, cold, and even pneumonia in this changing season. It is best to avoid getting your pet wet in the rain and dry them thoroughly if they get wet.fresh food supplier for dogs in Delhi 

4. Make de-worming a priority before the onset of monsoon, as pets are susceptible to worms in the rainy season. Worm infection can lead to many severe health conditions in your pet like anemia, loss of appetite, dullness of coat, and even behavioral issues like aggression and restlessness.

5. Take extra care of your pet’s diet and give them a diet rich in natural, balanced nutrients like FurrMeals Home Cooked Pet Food. Give your dog a high fiber, fresh dog food diet, and a generous dose of natural probiotics to improve gut health.

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6. Maintain a regular grooming routine, including nail clipping, ear cleaning, dental check-up, and regular brushing.

7. Some pets suffer from anxiety during thunderstorms. If your pet is prone to it, check with your vet for anti-anxiety drugs to calm them down. During storms, settle your dog in a quiet corner and give a comforting hug to settle those nerves.best dog food for dogs in Delhi 

Prevention is better than cure. Being a bit more careful and watchful will make sure that your pet is safe this monsoon and you can avoid those unwanted vet trips.

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