Why Do Most Dogs Hate Rain And Thunder Storm? | Furrmeals.com

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Those days in the year when you wake up to the sound of rain splattering down the window, you would find your furry burying his little head in the blanket, refusing to get up. If you often wonder, why rain brings out the broodiness in our dogs, then it is time to decipher that code!

What are rainy day blues for dogs and are they for real?

While all dogs are different and have different temperament but rainy day gloominess is common in many dogs and science proves that there are definite reasons for why your generally happy dog acts weird when it rains.

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DECREASED EXERCISE:Just like natural and healthy food like FurrMeals Home Cooked Pet Food is so important for your doggo’s good health and happy state of mind, so is exercise. Most people are not super excited to walk their dog in the rain and reduce the walk time to bare minimum.

 As a result, dogs associate rain with negative feelings as they know that their walk time will be curtailed. So, it is very important that you compensate the reduced exercise and walk time with indoor games of fetch and other mental exercises for your dog.

DOGS HATE THE SOUND RAIN MAKES:Your dog’s hearing ability is four times sharper than yours. Which means that the sound of thunder and the rain beating down the window, sounds four time louder to them. This noise makes some dogs anxious and disturbed.

Studies have shown that nearly 30% dogs are afraid of thunderstorm and need extra comforting to calm their nerves.

If you notice that your dog pants, barks or hides during thunderstorm then try using doggy earmuffs to defuse the sound. Even some essential oils like chamomile oil and lavender oil can soothe their nerves.

DOGS HATE WET PAWS:Most dogs, aside from some breeds like retrievers, hate getting wet and a walk in the rainy season invariably means wet paws. To avoid getting their feet wet, they start avoiding walks in the rain.

It is a good idea to get their paws washed properly and dried up completely after every walk to make them feel comfortable. Also, start your puppy on regular baths early on in life so that they get more comfortable with water.Home Cooked Food For Pets in Delhi

RAIN AMPLIFIES SMELLS: You may notice that your dog smells and sniffs more when you walk him after the rain. This is because the moisture in the air during the rainy season holds on to the scent molecules making every smell becomes stronger and last longer. Dogs who play outdoor very often and get exposed to a lot of strong smells will like this enhanced smell but for other dogs it is a bit disturbing and unnerving.

DOGS EXPERIENCE STATIC ELECTRICITY: Studies have shown that dogs get a very uncomfortable tingling feeling of static electricity through their fur during thunderstorm and that is why they run around in the house looking for places to hide. Some dogs actually feel numerous mild shocks in every thunderstorm.

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So, if your whimpering dog if running to the basement, hiding behind the bathtub or crouching in an enclosed area that is because he is looking for places that are grounded to minimize the effect of static electricity. Invest in some shockproof vests and jackets that can help reduce this uncomfortable feeling in the fur.Home Cooked Food For Pets in Delhi

Now that you know why your furry is acting weird at this time of the year, you can take steps to help them relax and calm their nerves, so that they can be as comfortable as possible during monsoon.


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